Reinigungsgerät 34

Friday, 18 September 2015

The book project

  Well, some time has passed from my first contribution to this web about the "Reinigungsgerät 34" history. Since then I have contacted with many collectors, like me, from all around the world, and I have seen the great interest about this topic, but unfortunately so far has not been published any serious writing work about it. So I have decided to make an attempt... 

I know it's a huge work, and perhaps impossible to fulfil, but who knows...

  Many chapters will be unclosed, or  will be written only based on assumptions, due to the few info available, but I am sure that it will be of great help not only to the beginners and middle collectors, also to the advanced collectors, why not ? 
  Also don't worry, It will be written in proper English.

  Now I am working on the Gustav Appel chapter, if I get complete it, there will be no problem with the rest.... at this moment any help would be great...

  If you have info, an original matching kit, good pictures,... about these kits:
  • The 1934 kits (unmarked and ChdAW stamped kits).
  • Kits marked with the year 1935 (different variants).
  • 64/G.APPEL dual stamped kits.

my mail:

Any help or contribution will be credited !

Thanks in advance.